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Last Month in Review:


Volcano eruption in japan by Rachel Wagner


The 27th of September was an average Saturday morning on Mount Ontake, Japan. Around 250 people decided to hike up the mountain, when it started spewing large, hazardous amounts of ash and white gas.

The 3 067 foot volcano has never seen a fatal eruption. The volcano was believed to be dormant (no longer active), until it started erupting once again in 1979; the most recent eruption took place in 2007.

When the eruption happened, witnesses reported that ash, debris and large rocks were raining down from the peak of the volcano, covering surrounding areas. The ashes wound up covering areas as far as two miles away.

Hundreds of people were trapped on the mountain, but were able to make their way down by Saturday night. About 40 people, many injured, made their way down the next morning. Many people were forced to take refuge in a nearby lodge, but were almost unable to exit due to a large pile of ash blocking the doorway.

Experts say the main causes of death and injury were because of lung and heart failure caused by the inhalation of toxic fumes and ash. Over 37 survivors reported injuries, and 31 people had gone into cardiac arrest and were unconscious.  

Japan’s self defense force used seven helicopters, 250 troops, as well as the police and fire departments to search the mountain. Days after, the rescue team is still unable to conduct a full search due to dangerous conditions.

Rescue workers reported that the volcano was continuing to spread fumes, and there was also a strong smell of sulfur. Experts have told citizens to stay away from the mountain, and that there is a risk for another eruption within the next few days.


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